Camels and Money

A difficult saying

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”




Jesus is true righteousness and true riches. Choosing money and possessions — or any other god — over Jesus leaves you with nothing but self-righteousness and empty riches.



True righteousness

“What must I do to inherit the kingdom of God?”


True riches

Exodus 20:3; Matthew 6:24; Matthew 13:44


“Come, follow me”

  1. Pursue the new life centering on Jesus and fellowship with Him.
  2. Open yourself to the physician of your soul; invite his X-ray vision.
  3. Nip in the bud competing desires, cravings, and dependencies; choose Jesus.
  4. Give generously — till it hurts.
  5. Give to the poor and needy.
  6. Give thanks more and more; see all of life as gift-saturated!