Change Project: Week by Week

Our series “You Can Change” is based on Tim Chester’s book by the same title. The focus in this series is on practical, personal, biblical change. “Biblical” change means becoming more like Jesus through a working of His grace.

Week 1 (What would you like to change?)

1. Think of an area in your life you’d like to change or grow in:

  • A pattern of behavior [criticism, overeating, overspending, lust]
  • A negative attitude, thought pattern, or emotion [anxiety, anger, greed]
  • A Christian virtue [boldness, patience, joy, forgiveness]

2. Make sure it is:

  • About yourself—not someone else [Not: more obedient children; better marriage; instead: “irritation toward children” or “critical attitude toward spouse”]
  • Not too general [Not: Be a better parent/spouse/employee/Christian]

3. Take steps to “behold the glory of the Lord” [connect your change goal to Jesus]:

  • How would Jesus act, think or feel in your shoes?
  • What stories or teachings of Jesus point to the change you’re aiming for?
  • Can you see the glory of Christ as it relates to your change goal?

4. Write a description of what you want to change. Be ready to share this with others in your small group or circle of friends. 


Week 2 (Why would you like to change?)

1. Are you motivated to change for any of these reasons?

  • To prove yourself to God or win His favor
  • To impress others or win their approval
  • To feel good about yourself

2. If you suspect you may want to change for the wrong reasons, how might you strengthen your focus on your new identity in Christ?

3. Write a summary of why you would like to change.

4. Find Scriptures relating to your change project—including one or more Scriptures highlighting the teaching or example of Jesus.


Week 3 (How are you going to change?)

1. Have you experienced any of these?

  • Trying to change yourself through vows, lists, rules, or resolutions
  • Comparing yourself with others
  • Trying to change outwardly in order to prove yourself

2. What are the means of change (the “how”) highlighted in today’s sermon?

3. Write a summary of how you are going to change.

4. Find Scriptures relating to your change project—including Scriptures highlighting the teaching and example of Jesus.


Week 4 (When do you struggle?)

1. With regard to your change project: When do you struggle with this problem?

  • When does the problem tend to surface in your life?
  • What triggers it?
  • Can you see any patterns?

2. What’s going on in your heart when you struggle this way?

  • What desires?
  • What fears or worries?
  • What are you thinking you need?
  • What or whom are you turning to for help or relief?
  • Whom are you trying to please or impress?
  • What are you loving? What are you hating?
  • What would bring you the most happiness? The most pain or misery?

3. Write a brief summary of when you struggle or sin and what’s going on in your heart.


Week 5 (What truths do you need to turn to?)

1. What lies about God underlie the area of sin or struggle in your change project?

2. Do one or more of these truths apply to your change project?

  • God is great—so we don’t have to be in control.
  • God is glorious—so we don’t have to fear others.
  • God is good—so we don’t have to look elsewhere.
  • God is gracious—so we don’t have to prove ourselves.


Week 6 (What desires do you need to turn from?)

1. Can you identify the idols of your heart?

  • When you’re angry, what do you want that you’re not getting?
  • When you’re anxious, what is it that’s threatened?
  • When you’re despondent, what have you lost or failed at?
  • What do you feel you must have? (“I’d be happy if only I could have…?”)

2. What desire, either sinful or simply inordinate or excessive, must be addressed in your change project?

3. Write a summary of the heart desires from which you need to turn.


Week 7 (What stops you from changing?)

1. Do any of these behaviors characterize how you respond to your sin?

  • You blame people or circumstances.
  • You minimize or excuse your sin.
  • You hide your sin from those affected by it or those who could help you change.
  • You fail to take your sin to God in prayer and confession.

2. Do you experience a renewed joy in your salvation after taking your sin to the Lord?

3. Pray through Psalm 51 with reference to your change project.


Week 8 (What strategies will reinforce your faith and repentance?)

1. What can you do to avoid provoking sinful desires?

  • What places, times, people, conditions or states of mind lead to temptation or struggle?
  • What steps can you take to reduce temptation in your life?

2. What can you do to avoid strengthening sinful desires?

  • What images, movies, TV programs, books, etc. strengthen your sinful desires?
  • What people strengthen your sinful desires?
  • What activities strengthen your sinful desires?
  • Where do you encounter the lies underlying your wrong behavior or emotions?

3. What can you do to strengthen your faith?

  • List 3-5 practical steps of action or change you will take involving the “means of grace.”


Week 9 (How can we support one another in changing?)

1. What relationships do you have that help you change and grow?

2. What opportunities do you have to help others change and grow?

3. What prevents you from having change-oriented relationships?

4. How can you make your Christian friendships (or your marriage) more focused on personal change and growth in Christ? Here are some examples of ways you could initiate with someone:

  • Talk about your own struggle with sin.
  • Suggest you read the Bible and pray together.
  • Ask about their relationship with God or their change project.
  • Call them when you are struggling with temptation.


Week 10 (Are you ready for a lifetime of change?)

1. Are you expecting change to come immediately?

You may need to be more realistic about sin in your heart.

2. Do you feel frustrated by your lack of change?

You may need to have more confidence about God’s work in your life.

3. How do you react when you sin?

  • Do you feel God loves you less?
  • Do you feel God blesses you less?
  • Do you feel you need to make it up to God?
  • Do you feel disqualified from Christian service?

You may need to embrace more fully God’s grace and Christ’s finished work.