Sow to Faith

Genuine heart change comes only by repentance and faith in Christ. What you daily sow either builds up or sabotages your faith. Use the means God gives to sow to the Spirit and reap Christ-glorifying change in your life!

Faith and repentance


Minimize sowing to the flesh


Maximize sowing to the Spirit


7 means of grace:








Change project

1. What can you do to avoid provoking sinful desires?

  • What places, times, people, conditions or states of mind lead to temptation or struggle?
  • What steps can you take to reduce temptation in your life?

2. What can you do to avoid strengthening sinful desires?

  • What images, movies, TV programs, books, etc. strengthen your sinful desires?
  • What people strengthen your sinful desires?
  • What activities strengthen your sinful desires?
  • Where do you encounter the lies underlying your wrong behavior or emotions?

3. What can you do to strengthen your faith?

  • List 3-5 practical steps of action or change you will take involving the “means of grace.”