Battle of Desire

What desires do you need to turn from?

We change as we learn to do battle with and turn from the desires that take God’s place in our affections.

The Power of Disordered Desire


The Promise of Disordered Desire


The Conquest of Disordered Desire


Change project

1. Can you identify the idols of your heart?

  • When you’re angry, what do you want that you’re not getting?
  • When you’re anxious, what is it that’s threatened?
  • When you’re despondent, what have you lost or failed at?
  • What do you feel you must have? (“I’d be happy if only I could have…?”)

2. What desire, either sinful or simply inordinate or excessive, must be addressed in your change project?

3. Write a summary of the heart desires from which you need to turn.