
To keep growing and changing, we need to hate our sin and humbly take it our merciful God instead of proudly justifying, minimizing, or concealing it.

Proud responses to sin


When hatred is good

Proverbs 8:13

A model response to sin

Psalm 51:1-6

Five ways of the humble sinner

1. The humble sinner turns to God.

2. The humble sinner owns his sin.

3. The humble sinner asks for mercy.

4. The humble sinner seeks cleansing.

5. The humble sinner sees God as the one most sinned against.



Have a broken and contrite heart as you take your sin to God.
Reclaim the joy of His salvation.

Change project

1. Do any of these behaviors characterize how you respond to your sin?

  • You blame people or circumstances.
  • You minimize or excuse your sin.
  • You hide your sin from those affected by it or those who could help you change.
  • You fail to take your sin to God in prayer and confession.

2. Do you experience a renewed joy in your salvation after taking your sin to the Lord?

3. Pray through Psalm 51 with reference to your change project.