Series: State of the Church

Our focus here is “the state of the church” — meaning this small local church called Cornerstone. We’ll look at who we are as a church, what’s on tap for the year ahead, and the greatest thing we have going for us.

Q&A with Mike Whitney

| February 19, 2023

We recently hosted Mike Whitney from Sower Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, for a Q&A session focusing on their church partnership with Baptists.

Our Posture

by Johnny Vanderhorst | January 8, 2023

Out of our love for Christ, we aim to join God in His mission of creating a community of lives transformed by the gospel. 

Considering Strategic Partnerships

by Johnny Vanderhorst | November 27, 2022

We understand from Scripture that Christians are to be partnered with other believers to pursue the maximum testimony and spread of the gospel. However, despite this clear Scriptural precedent and priority, it is easy for congregations to remain overly insular and independent, just as it is for us as individuals.  In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul addresses the danger of a spirit of self-sufficiency.  In contrast, he expresses the potential for productivity that only comes when Christians rely on one another and work together in harmony.  At Cornerstone we want to see that potential realized in the fullest measure.

State of the Church message

by John Vanderhorst, Johnny Vanderhorst, Mike Bergen | November 19, 2017

“… the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.” (Daniel 11:32)